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We have a symbiotic relationship with our surroundings, and our homes become an extension to our bodies.

There are many areas of potential hazard, from environmental toxicity, metaphysical interference and unfortunate positioned natural phenomena.

This Spirit Weaver optional module will help you understand how to apply your Shamanic Magician skills to Cleansing Spaces.

Disturbances in our home environment, can cause serious health and vitality issues, especially if our beds lie on areas of distress.

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Space Cleanser is a 3 month training and Supervision. There will be a 3 day training followed by monthly supervision over 3 months.

Participants are required to swap sessions with each other and share their experiences.

There will be assessments and case studies to monitor your progression through the programme.

Content may alter depending on the attending group's experience, requirements, ability, and energy.


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Joseph is a practicing Shamanic Magician, and multi-disciplined therapist, that has been using the Spirit Weaver techniques in his Embodied Soul clinic for his clients over the last 6 years.

His style of teaching and supervision ensures that participants show up for themselves, the other participants and the lineage.

Joseph Callender

He is Co-founder and director of Shamanic Energy Training, which offers shamanic workshops, Qi Gong classes and experiential retreats to help participants awaken their intuition and psychic abilities in a safe and grounded way, whilst staying energised and vital so they do not burn out.

For 21 years, Joseph participated as a student of practical philosophy where he learned to apply ancient wisdom contained in classical eastern scripture, and western classics, to everyday situations. Much of that time was spent in meditation, studying Sanskrit scripture, and observing patterns of change in people and the zeitgeist, as well as learning valuable practical skills for thriving and peace of mind, which he applies to his clinical practice.

As a corporate veteran, selling software business to business for 20 plus years, he understands the pressures and issues that affect most people and can offer, from his own experiences, insights as to how to cope with such a life.  

Joseph is a perpetual student and is constantly evolving his workshops and healing practice. In his clinic, he facilitates a space that enables his clients to shed the baggage of the past, comeback home to themselves and feel like themselves, once again.  He holds a safe and powerful healing energy.  Born and raised in Great Britain, Joseph has a varied lineage of French-Native American, St Lucian, Barbadian, Trinidadian, Montserratian.